Smarterer is a platform designed to score individuals on digital, social, and technical skills. Show off your skills HERE! Lets see how smart you are by taking the following tests:
- BzzAgent test
- Blogger test
- Facebook test
- Flickr test
- Twitter test
- WordPress test
- Tumblr Test
And many more!
I am a BzzAgent and I received this as a campaign and I am trying this site through them and I love it! Thanks BzzAgent!!!!
My first test was the BzzAgent test of course. I had so much fun testing my knowledge of BzzAgent HERE. Take the challenge. How well do you know BzzAgent?
How well do you know Facebook? Don't you ever wonder if you really know Facebook like you think you know it? Hmmmmmm??????? Take the test HERE!!!
Why not challenge your family and friends too? Lets see which one of you pays attentions and knows more!!!